The Dream of X - Title Page
- THE DREAM OF X, TITLE PAGE - A black ink and gray color pencil drawing on an 11 x 14 size vellum paper. It appears as a small icon on the title page of the book, "The Dream of X' by William Hope Hodgson, published by Donald Grant in 1977. Actually, "The Dream of X," is a condensed version of Hodgson's original and much longer novel, "The Night Land," which is included in the new Centipede Press collection, "Masters of the Weird Tale: Hodgson".
HAPPINESS - I have always made the effort to make my Life more than just a daily grind. Somewhere along the way, early on, I found out that for me, being "happy" meant doing things and learning things that made me interesting to myself. Yes, to myself! And eventually I found out that the world of "art" brought me lots of pleasure and happiness.
Some philosophers have said that "Art" is essential to the well-being and happiness of mankind, but not all philosophers agree; Plato, in his classic book, "Plato's Republic" considered artists to be imitators of things that already exist, he wrote that they were "re-creators" rather than "creators". He deemed artists to be non-essential, insignificant craftsmen, and therefore did not include them in his grand design of the "ideal" Republic.
Obviously, Plato was wrong, art plays an important part in our lives in many ways. But I do have to admit that for many people in today's world, art does not play a significant part in their lives, they seek happiness elsewhere.
"Ignorance is bliss". Though happiness can be found elsewhere, a life without art appreciation is an unfulfilled life.

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